Jodi Allen is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in the state of Kentucky. She currently serves as a Behavioral Health Specialist for the Department for Medicaid Services within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Jodi currently focuses on initiatives and innovations within Medicaid that support adults with serious mental illness (SMI) and children with serious emotional disturbance (SED). Jodi is currently the project lead on the SMI 1115 demonstration application to begin a pilot program for recuperative care in Kentucky and to expand mental health inpatient treatment for individuals with SMI. Prior to working for Medicaid, Jodi served as a clinician across many community-based and healthcare settings with individuals and families across the developmental lifespan. Jodi has primarily worked with children and adolescents in school-based settings and has specialized training and experience in grief and trauma work.

Jodi Allen, LMFT, LPCC
Behavioral Health Specialist
Department for Medicaid Services