Stephen Gillaspy, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience integrating psychological services into larger healthcare systems. Dr. Gillaspy is recognized throughout the field of clinical psychology for his hard work and dedication as a Health Psychologist, as well as a vital member of American Psychological Association (APA) staff, serving as the Senior Director of Health and Health Care Financing since August 2019. He has also been long-standing, active representative of APA to the American Medical Association, and currently serves as Advisor to the Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) and Alternate Advisor to the CPT Editorial Panel. Prior to joining APA staff, Dr. Gillaspy was a Professor and Director of Pediatric Psychology in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma, College of Medicine. During his tenure in the Section of General and Community Pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC), he served as the Director of Research, the Director Clinical Psychology, and Associate Section Chief. He is also a past President of the Oklahoma Psychological Association (OPA), served as Director of the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, and has authored or co-authored numerous articles published in scientific journals.

Stephen Gillaspy, PhD
Director of Health and Health Care, Center for Psychology and Health
American Psychological Association